Grades K-5
Summer Programs
Summer should be fun!
It should also be a time when children’s brains are engaged. Combat summer learning loss with CCF’s ground-breaking summer programs.

Feed it.
Read it.
Explore it.
Create it.

Camp Discovery
July 5 - August 11, 2023
Mon-Fri 12:30pm-4:00 pm
**Camp Discovery is full for summer 2023** Please email Taina to be added to the waitlist tperalta@ccf.woonsocketschools.com
Camp Discovery is the summer learning program we designed specifically for incoming K-2 students. Using a research-based curriculum, we communicate high expectations, model respect for individual differences and needs, help campers forge positive relationships with adults and peers, and maintain an environment that encourages campers to take risks and ask questions. We bring in inspiring performers that spark the imagination, like storytellers, Mad Science, and puppet theater. We use a variety of questioning techniques that promote critical thinking and problem-solving. And we PLAY and have FUN!
Chillin’ & Skillin’
July 5 - August 11, 2023
Mon-Fri 8am-3pm
**Chillin’ & Skillin’ is full for Summer 2023** Please email Allyson to be added to the waitlist amarino1@ccf.woonsocketschools.com
Chillin’ & Skillin’ is CCF’s award-winning summer learning program designed to help students entering grades 3-5 have good safe summer fun while learning and growing and preparing to proceed to the next grade come fall. Here, we enhance a theme-based math & literacy curriculum with fun enrichment activities, field trips, and service-learning projects, while also giving campers ample time to explore personal passions, practice social skills, and reflect on their experiences. Campers experiment and explore new worlds through art, theater, animal science, engineering and design, financial education, physical activity, cooking, and more. And they PLAY and have FUN!
Chaplin-Perez School-Age Program (Licensed Childcare)
The Chaplin Perez School Age Program provides a small learning setting designed to be individualized to student needs in a safe and caring environment. Children in grades K-5 are provided with the opportunities to enrich their learning experience in a developmentally appropriate setting. Students practice social-emotional and academic learning through play and a curriculum designed to challenge them to be leaders and make play skills transferable to real-world settings. Please contact us to learn more.

Camp Discovery question?
For enrollment information or questions:
Taina Peralta
Camp Coordinator
(401) 895-1426
Chillin’ & Skillin’ question?
For enrollment information or questions:
Allyson Marino
Camp Coordinator
(401) 400-0247