Grades 6-8
Summer Programs
Exploring careers & what leadership is.
Middle school is an exciting time! This summer, your middle schooler can explore the topics that interest them and learn about careers that fall into their fields of interest.

Feed it.
Read it.
Explore it.
Create it.

Get Connected Summer Camp
July 5 - August 11, 2023
Mon-Fri 8am-2pm
**Get Connected is full for Summer 2023** Please email Rebbeca to be added to the waitlist rdavila@ccf.woonsocketschools.com
Get Connected is CCF’s 6-week Career Exploration Summer Camp for students entering grades 6–8. Here, we engage middle schoolers in exciting career exploration opportunities and inquiry-based learning activities in the Arts, Culinary/Hospitality, Engineering/IT, Business/Financial Literacy, and Education. Programming includes guest speakers, art, music, team building, physical fun, and community service. Students take a district-approved Social/Emotional Pre and Post Survey to measure gains in leadership capacity. In addition, we partner with experts from an array of community organizations, including Roger Williams Park Zoo, Save The Bay, Riverzedge Arts, Rhythm Room, and the RI Museum of Science and Art (RIMOSA).

Contact Us.
For enrollment information or questions:
Sandra Costa
Director of School Linked Programs
(401) 766-3384